Our blog name was built with a lot of patience. We were thinking about it for an hour and finally we found a perfect word to describe the two of us. "Mismatched" means different and we both ARE different in so many ways; outfits, taste in music, even font styles but with all these we're in good vibes when we're together. But we have one thing in common, we're both in love with CUPCAKES and sweets! We added an "S" to make it more girly(?) and it perfectly looks good!


Josiah Azel

"So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep, and while he was asleep, he took part of the man's side and closed up the place with flesh."

I'm an imperfectly perfect forever little princess/basketball player/computer games enthusiast. I still can't call myself a lady co'z honestly I still don't know how to make my own coffee. </3 TWEENTEEN BY HEART, Virgonian and created by God's standards. An infinite lover of cupcakes and oreos!


Rachelle Joy

Definitely a simple girl trying to make herself a hipster-kinda-look but a forever disciple of God. I'm not an expert on talks but I'm sure that I can write! I love reading blogs and books. I like trying out different things, exploring different places and being... DIFFERENT. I'm pretty weird at times but a total indoor person. Cupcakes are the love of my life and they will always be. ;D

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